Daniel Leung 梁子熙

  • MBBS/PhD in 2021 at University of Hong Kong
Daniel is an MBBS PhD student in the Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, HKU. Fascinated by immunity and genes, Daniel's research answers questions pertaining to how some children - and adults - are born to have more life-threatening infections than others, so personalised therapy like an appropriate biologic can be offered to them. In addition, he investigates immunogenicity and effectiveness of vaccines in children. Daniel's team, led by Chair Professor Yu-Lung Lau, utilises omics technologies such as genome sequencing and single-cell transcriptomics, to capture every detail of the immune system and DNA during immune disease and vaccination.

Awards and scholarships

Croucher Foundation MBBS/PhD Award 2020

Best Oral Presentation in the Asia Pacific Society for Immunodeficiencies 3rd Congress in Chandigarh, India 2020

BL Wong Scholarship for Master of Research in Medicine 2020

Yu Chun Keung Memorial Scholarship for Master of Research in Medicine 2020

HKU Undergraduate Research Fellowship 2020

Mr & Mrs SH Wong Foundation Scholarship for Master of Research in Medicine 2019

Lee Shau Kee Scholarship 2017, 2018, 2019

Senior Morrison Scholarship 2017, 2018, 2019

International Federation of Medical Student Associations Rex Crossley Award 2018

Medical Dean's Scholarship 2017

Online profiles

Google Scholar Daniel Leung

Twitter @dan_leung_