Vickie Li 李翠林

  • Scholarship in 2015 at University of Oxford

Vickie Li obtained her BSocSc (First Class Honour) with a major in Psychology at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) in 2014. During her studies in HKU, she was awarded with many scholarships and awards, including Dean's Honours List, Y.K. Pao Scholarship in Psychology and many more. Notably, she received the Dr. Serena Yang HKU-Oxford Scholarship to complete her final year of study at Oxford University. She completed two independent research projects in her final year and was supervised by Dr. Esther Y. Y. Lau at HKU for her first project and by Prof. Chris Summerfield at Oxford University for her second project.

Prior to the acceptance of the D.Phil program at Oxford University, she worked as a Research Assistant at the Perceptual Decision Making lab and investigated cognitive control in perceptual decision making paradigms together with Professor Chris Summerfield. This topic is of great interest to her and she will continue investigating this topic via neural imaging and computational modelling techniques during her D.Phil. 


Vickie's D.Phil will focus on the neural and computational mechanisms of cognitive control on perceptual uncertainties. The goal of her studies is to build an integrated model that combines current models of decision making and cognitive control. She will make use of behavioral experiments to examine human performance under different perceptual uncertainties. Essentially, she will use model-based fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) and model-based EEG (Electroencephalography ) to understand the underpinning neural mechanisms for tackling perceptual uncertainties in human. 


  1. Vandormael, H., Castañón, S. H., Balaguer, J., Li, V., & Summerfield, C. (2017). Robust sampling of decision information during perceptual choice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences114(10), 2771-2776.
  2. Li V, Herce CastañoÂn S, Solomon JA, Vandormael H, Summerfield C (2017) Robust averaging protects decisions from noise in neural computations. PLoS Comput Biol 13(8): e1005723.