Tracy Ling 凌奕彤

  • Scholarship in 2018 at Johns Hopkins University

Tracy received her BS in mechanical engineering with a minor in electrical engineering from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2016. She completed her MS in mechanical engineering at Johns Hopkins University in 2018.


Currently, Tracy is working on her PhD degree under the supervision of Vicky Nguyen. Her recent projects include “Structural Characterization of Human Lamina Cribrosa and Its Correlations to Pressure-induced Strains.” This project aims to characterize the collagen beam network microstructure of the human lamina cribrosa (LC), and its correlations with pressure-induced strains. Lamina cribrosa is a load-bearing tissue that supports the retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons at optic nerve head, and is known as the primary site of injury in glaucoma.