Displaying 1 - 50 of 223 scholars
Alvin Leung 梁凱廸
- 2012 Fellowship at University of Basel
- Now Lecturer in Department of Physics at CUHK
Ka Ho Law 羅家豪
- 2006 Studentship at University of Hong Kong
Cheung Chi Leung 梁祥智
- 2004 Fellowship at Paris-Sud University
Man Yee Choi 蔡敏儀
- 2002 Studentship at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Raymond Leung 梁偉光
- 2002 Studentship at City University of Hong Kong
Horace Ho 何存邦
- 2002 Studentship at University of Hong Kong
Hoi Pang Ng 吳海鵬
- 2001 Fellowship at Phelma Minatec
Ada Ng 吳淑鳳
- 2001 Fellowship at Ecole Polytechnique
Yau Yau Tse 謝尤優
- 2001 Fellowship at University of Poitiers
Tony Yee 余達良
- 2001 Fellowship at CEA Saclay
Kwok Kuen Tse 謝國權
- 2000 Fellowship at City University of Hong Kong
Zelda Cheung 張曉宜
- 2002 Fellowship at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- 2000 Scholarship at University of Hong Kong
Eric Ho 何耀基
- 1999 Fellowship at City University of Hong Kong