▾ More options Countries or regions United Kingdom (480) United States (276) x Hong Kong (269) Canada (54) x Germany (23) Australia (21) France (12) Switzerland (6) Netherlands (6) Japan (4) Sweden (3) x Denmark (2) Israel (2) x Austria (1) New Zealand (1) x Taiwan (1) Awards x Studentship (185) Senior Research Fellowship (114) x Scholarship (75) Innovation Award (33) x Fellowship (32) Senior Medical Research Fellowship (24) MBBS/PhD Scholarship (10) x Clinical Assistant Professorship (3) Max Planck Croucher Postdoctoral Fellowship (2) x Non-clinical Assistant Professorship (1) Events Croucher Symposium 2023 (154) Croucher Symposium 2024 (117) Options Show: 20 50 100 all (270) Sort: name year Reset to default view Displaying 1 - 50 of 270 scholars Sandra Leung 梁凱思 2024 Butterfield Croucher Studentship at Chinese University of Hong Kong Now PhD student in at CUHK Elok Tsoi 蔡倚樂 2023 Studentship at University of Hong Kong Now Undergraduate Student in School of Biomedical Sciences at HKU Artemis Chan 陳穎彤 2023 Studentship at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Now Research Assistant in at HKUST Mike Lau 劉睿明 2023 Fellowship at Heidelberg Institute of Theoretical Studies (HITS) Long Hin Tsang 曾朗軒 2022 Scholarship at Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics Now PhD Candidate in Huch Lab at Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Germany Indigo Chan 陳芷晴 2022 Studentship at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Now postgraduate student in Tom Cheung Lab at HKUST Yasine Malki 馬建生 2022 Butterfield Croucher Studentship at Chinese University of Hong Kong Now PhD Student in Chemical Pathology at CUHK Dorothy Cheng 鄭慧中 2021 Scholarship at European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) Heidelberg Now Predoctoral Fellow in Cell Biology and Biophysics Unit/Structural and Computational Biology Unit at European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) Heidelberg Joe Chan 陳冠南 2021 Studentship at University of Hong Kong Now Postdoctoral fellow in Department of Psychiatry at HKU Ivy Wong 黃希雯 2021 Butterfield Croucher Studentship at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Now Ph.D. student in Chemical and Biological Engineering at HKUST Julio Liu 廖俊宇 2020 Scholarship at University of Copenhagen Now PhD fellow in NNF-CPR at Copenhagen Nicola Wong 黃慧儀 2019 Scholarship at University of Vienna Now Senior Bioinformatician in at GenEditBio Limited Sabiha Jahan Akhee 穆安琪 2019 Fellowship at Technical University of Denmark Now Fellow in at Technical Denmark Bernard Lee 李子衡 2018 Butterfield Croucher Studentship at University of Hong Kong Now PhD Student in Department of Pathology at HKU Siu Hang Man 2018 Scholarship at Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen Now PhD Student in Mathematical Institute at GAUG Chi Chung Wu 胡智聰 2018 Fellowship at Max Planck Institute of Heart and Lung Research Now Junior Group Leader in at European Center for Angioscience Sumana Sanyal 2017 Non-Clinical Assistant Professorship at University of Hong Kong Now Associate Professor in Sir William Dunn School of Pathology at Oxford Bowie Cheng 鄭翊翎 2017 Butterfield Croucher Studentship at University of Hong Kong Now Postdoctoral scholar in at Stanford Nick So 蘇俊 2020 Max Planck Croucher Postdoctoral Fellowship at Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry 2016 Scholarship at Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry Now Postdoc in Department of Meiosis at Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry Gary Tse 2016 Clinical Assistant Professorship at Chinese University of Hong Kong Bill Ng 伍永軒 2016 Studentship at Chinese University of Hong Kong Now PhD Student in Department of Chemistry at CUHK Vincent Cheung 張家銘 2021 Fellowship at Academia Sinica, Institute of Information Science 2015 Scholarship at Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences Now Project researcher in at Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. Brian Lee 李杰衡 2015 Studentship at University of Hong Kong Now PhD student in Department of Mechanical Engineering at Hong Kong Jeffrey Poon 潘俊彥 2019 Max Planck Croucher Postdoctoral Fellowship at Fritz Haber Institute (Max Planck) 2015 Scholarship at University of Cambridge Now Scientific Managing Editor in at Elsevier Kero Lau 劉愷堃 2014 Fellowship at University of Ulm Now Assistant Professor in Department of Physics at Simon Fraser Man Ho Wong 王文豪 2014 Scholarship at Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen Now Postdoctoral Fellow in Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at MIT Sunny Wong 黃㬢 2013 Clinical Assistant Professorship at Chinese University of Hong Kong Now Associate Professor Wayne Lam 林偉揚 2011 Scholarship at Berlin Mathematical School Now Tamarkin Assistant Professor in at Brown Peter Cheung 張栢恒 2010 Butterfield Croucher Studentship at University of Hong Kong Now Assistant Professor in Chemical Pathology at CUHK Aaron Wong 黃沛燊 2010 Scholarship at Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen Now Assistant Professor in Department of Neuroscience at Erasmus Medical Center Andy Ng 吳家亮 2009 Studentship at Chinese University of Hong Kong Now Lecturer in Office of University General Education at Chinese University of Hong Kong Jacque Ip 葉栢勤 2008 Studentship at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Now Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at Massachusetts Institute of Technology Alan Wong 黃兆麟 2012 Fellowship at Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2008 Butterfield Croucher Studentship at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Now Assistant Professor in School of Biomedical Sciences at Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine Sarah Li 李靜文 2007 Scholarship at Free University of Berlin Alice Cheung 張敏思 2009 Fellowship at BC Cancer Agency 2007 Butterfield Croucher Studentship at University of Hong Kong Now Principal Investigator/Assistant Professor in Department of Haematology at Duke-NUS Medical School Graham Shea 佘嘉翰 2013 Clinical Assistant Professorship at University of Hong Kong 2007 MBBS/PhD Scholarship at University of Hong Kong Now Clinical Assistant Professor in Orthopaedics and Traumatology at HKU Olive Li 李天慧 2007 Butterfield Croucher Studentship at University of Hong Kong Now Chemist in at Government Laboratory, HKSAR William Ho 何永豪 2007 Scholarship at Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology Now Honorary Research Fellows in Biomedical Sciences at Walter and Eliza Hall Institute Belinda Lin 林新新 2006 Scholarship at Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen Now Senior Manager, Ecosystem Development (Life Science) in at Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park Ltd. Kenrie Hui 許珮茵 2006 Butterfield Croucher Studentship at University of Hong Kong Now Research Assistant Professor in School of Public Health at Hong Kong Ka Ho Law 羅家豪 2006 Studentship at University of Hong Kong Hiu Fai Law 羅曉輝 2012 Fellowship at University of Hamburg 2006 Scholarship at University of Oxford Now Lecturer in Mathematics at The Wong School of Finite Geometry Eva Tang 鄧凱澄 2007 Fellowship at Harvard University 2005 Butterfield Croucher Studentship at University of Hong Kong Now Assistant Professor in Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy at Hong Kong Winky Hau 2005 Fellowship at University of Freiburg Now Lead Engineer in at other employer Ivan Sham 沈文龍 2004 Fellowship at Free University of Berlin Now Chief Commercial Officer in at Nano and Advanced Materials Institute Ltd. Nina Siow 蕭琳 2003 Studentship at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Now Lecturer in School of Life Sciences at CUHK Andrew Tai 戴賜鵬 2003 Butterfield Croucher Studentship at University of Hong Kong Now Research Fellow in Medical School, Centre for Orthopaedic Research at UWA To Ngai 魏濤 2003 Fellowship at BASF Aktiengesellschaft Now Professor in Department of Chemistry at CUHK Chi Ho Li 李之浩 2007 Fellowship at Harvard University 2003 Scholarship at University of Heidelberg Now Senior Director in Biology Department at WuXi AppTec Co. Ltd. Ray Chan 陳俊輝 2003 Studentship at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Now Technical Director in Flow Cytometry Department at Kaiser Permanente 1 2 3 4 5 … Next ›