- Fellowship in 2016 at California Institute of Technology
Chan graduated with a BE in Medical Engineering from the University of Hong Kong 2012, and embarked on high-throughput imaging design and implementation. Later, he earned a PhD with the discovery of the super-resolution effect of an avalanche photodiode driven by a fractional pixel clock. At the time, it unlocked the industry demand of the human rare circulating tumor cell (CTC) screening system deprived of dual-use technologies. He received qusi-quantum photonics training at the Siegman International School on Lasers in 2014. He was later awarded the Croucher Postdoctoral Fellowship in 2017 to continue computational microscopy research at Caltech.
Current status
Chan is based in Greater San Diego, offering part-time consulting services to biotech startups on giga-pixel imaging, high-throughput computing, and function-oriented system requirement analysis. Chan spends his personal time tending the food garden, writing technical commentary, and building the F/6 Newtonian telescope out of Corning glass blocks.