Displaying 1 - 50 of 54 scholars
Peter Pang 彭浚豪
- 2024 Fellowship at Dutch National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Nikhef)
Sarah Li 李靜文
- 2007 Scholarship at Free University of Berlin
Ken Wong 黃子民
- 2006 Fellowship at Deltares
Walter Chan 陳曉怡
- 2002 Scholarship at Technical University of Berlin
Teresa Wong 汪育華
- 1999 Fellowship at University of New South Wales
Vincent Leung 梁景燊
- 1996 Fellowship at University of New South Wales
Andrew Leung 梁志成
- 1996 Fellowship at University of Wollongong
Kinna Choy 蔡子蘭
- 1994 Scholarship at University of Sydney
Alice Chan 陳麗珍
- 1994 Fellowship at University of New South Wales
Wayne Hu 胡興正
- 1994 Fellowship at University of Sydney
Felix Wong 黄胡信
- 1986 Fellowship at University of Sydney
- Now Conjointed Professor in at NSW, Australia
Wai Sum O 柯慧心
- 1986 Fellowship at Monash University