Displaying 1 - 50 of 145 scholars
Alvin Leung 梁凱廸
- 2012 Fellowship at University of Basel
- Now Lecturer in Department of Physics at CUHK
Ken Wong 黃子民
- 2006 Fellowship at Deltares
Chi Kwong Wong 黃志光
- 2005 Fellowship at University College London
Maran Leung 梁寶華
- 2005 Fellowship at University of Oxford
Kimmy Leung 梁健美
- 2008 Fellowship at Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology
- 2002 Scholarship at University of Cambridge
Yat Ming Chan 陳一鳴
- 2005 Fellowship at Imperial College London
- 2002 Scholarship at University of Oxford
Jason Siu 蕭智舜
- 2000 Fellowship at University of Cambridge
Kin Lun Tsang 曾建倫
- 1998 Fellowship at University College London
Neil Tsang 曾昭明
- 1997 Fellowship at Imperial College London