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Displaying all 40 scholars

Peter Pang 彭浚豪

  • 2024 Fellowship at Dutch National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Nikhef)

Ken Wong 黃子民

  • 2006 Fellowship at Deltares

Cheung Chi Leung 梁祥智

  • 2004 Fellowship at Paris-Sud University

Hoi Pang Ng 吳海鵬

  • 2001 Fellowship at Phelma Minatec

Ada Ng 吳淑鳳

  • 2001 Fellowship at Ecole Polytechnique

Yau Yau Tse 謝尤優

  • 2001 Fellowship at University of Poitiers

Tony Yee 余達良

  • 2001 Fellowship at CEA Saclay

Kwok Kuen Tse 謝國權

  • 2000 Fellowship at City University of Hong Kong

Zelda Cheung 張曉宜

  • 2002 Fellowship at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • 2000 Scholarship at University of Hong Kong

Eric Ho 何耀基

  • 1999 Fellowship at City University of Hong Kong

Vinci Lee 李國材

  • 2003 Fellowship at Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie de Rennes
  • 1999 Scholarship at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Joe Ng 吳祖恩

  • 1999 Fellowship at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Michael Chau 周智豪

  • 1998 Fellowship at University of Hong Kong

Shannon Au 區詠娥

  • 1997 Fellowship at University of Hong Kong

Kwan Ming Ng 吳坤明

  • 2000 Fellowship at Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 1995 Studentship at Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Fiona Tam 譚雪芬

  • 1994 Fellowship at Chinese University of Hong Kong

Barry Lee 李子敬

  • 1996 Fellowship at University of Hong Kong
  • 1993 Scholarship at University of Hong Kong

Yun Liem 林淵

  • 1993 Fellowship at University of Hong Kong

Lily Tong

  • 1990 Fellowship at University of Hong Kong