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Displaying 301 - 350 of 484 scholars

Donald Lee 李君權

  • 2002 Scholarship at Stanford University

Ming Yan Poon 潘銘恩

  • 2002 Fellowship at Harvard University

Ruby Lam 林冬雪

  • 2006 Fellowship at Duke University
  • 2002 Scholarship at University of Cambridge

George Chan 陳志遠

  • 2002 Scholarship at University of Indiana

Hubert Chan 陳子康

  • 2002 Scholarship at Carnegie Mellon University

Hoi Pang Ng 吳海鵬

  • 2001 Fellowship at Phelma Minatec

Ada Ng 吳淑鳳

  • 2001 Fellowship at Ecole Polytechnique

Yau Yau Tse 謝尤優

  • 2001 Fellowship at University of Poitiers

Tony Yee 余達良

  • 2001 Fellowship at CEA Saclay