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Displaying 51 - 100 of 426 scholars

Sandy Chan

  • 2011 Scholarship at University of Cambridge

Sarah Li 李靜文

  • 2007 Scholarship at Free University of Berlin

Gary Chow 鄒振德

  • 2007 Scholarship at Imperial College London

Zuleita Ho 何嘉明

  • 2007 Scholarship at EURECOM Institute

Owen Kwok 郭志恆

  • 2007 Scholarship at University of Cambridge

Ian Leung 梁宇恒

  • 2006 Scholarship at University of Cambridge

Sam Tang

  • 2006 Scholarship at University of Cambridge

Annie Chan 陳綺雯

  • 2004 Scholarship at University of Oxford

Jowie Yu 余頌豪

  • 2004 Scholarship at University of Cambridge

Shu Fai Wong 黃樹輝

  • 2004 Scholarship at University of Cambridge

Chee Kin Hui

  • 2004 Scholarship at Hutchison/MRC Research Centre

Grace Yu 于泓

  • 2003 Scholarship at University of Cambridge

Gavin Chan 陳向毅

  • 2003 Scholarship at University of Oxford

John Tsang 曾懷望

  • 2003 Scholarship at University of Surrey

Kimmy Leung 梁健美

  • 2008 Fellowship at Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology
  • 2002 Scholarship at University of Cambridge

Lionel Wai 衛卓超

  • 2002 Scholarship at University of Oxford