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Displaying 451 - 500 of 1237 scholars

Ken Wong 黃子民

  • 2006 Fellowship at Deltares

Ian Leung 梁宇恒

  • 2006 Scholarship at University of Cambridge

Sam Tang

  • 2006 Scholarship at University of Cambridge

Ka Ho Law 羅家豪

  • 2006 Studentship at University of Hong Kong

Yui Ming Tsang 曾銳明

  • 2006 Scholarship at Stanford University

Chi Kwong Wong 黃志光

  • 2005 Fellowship at University College London

Lillian Chow 周淑雅

  • 2005 Fellowship at Harvard University

Clifford Chan 陳錦為

  • 2005 Fellowship at University of Rochester

Maran Leung 梁寶華

  • 2005 Fellowship at University of Oxford